Vasectomy: Easy, Safe, and Effective Birth Control

Vasectomy is a common form of birth control. More than 50 million men have undergone the procedure worldwide. In the United States, around 500,000 men get a vasectomy each year. Vasectomy is an easy, safe and effective surgical procedure carried out in a clinic, doctor’s office or hospital. The outpatient procedure takes 10-20 minutes and the patient can go back home on the same day. While it is still the fourth most preferred method of contraception after oral pills, condoms and tubal ligation, it is one of the cheapest, safest and most effective family planning options.

Vasectomy Procedure

During a vasectomy, the small tubes of the scrotum that transport sperm are blocked or cut off to prevent sperm from leaving the body and causing pregnancy. The name vasectomy comes from the vas deferens, the scrotal tubes that are blocked or cut off during the procedure. Vasectomy is intended for permanent sterilization, so while it can be reversed, only those who are sure they no longer want more children should undergo the procedure.

There are two common vasectomy techniques: the no-cut (no-scalpel) method and the incision method. No-scalpel technique is a lower-risk procedure that minimizes the chance of infection and complications while also taking less time to heal. Nevertheless, whatever method is used, vasectomy is a quick procedure performed with local anesthesia or IV sedation, depending on the patient’s condition and surgeon’s preferences. After numbing, one or two small incisions are used to access the vas deferens so they can be clamped, sealed or cut to disrupt sperm flow. The procedure is performed on both sides.

Recovery from vasectomy

Recovery time after vasectomy varies, but most men are able to return to normal physical activity in 2-3 days. Recovery is quite easy as the patient is able to go home soon after the procedure, rest, apply ice packs for 24-48 hours, watch football over the weekend and be able to resume work the following week. However, it is important to notify your doctor of any severe bruising, swelling, fever, pus or chills. These may indicate internal bleeding or infection and should be dealt with appropriately.

Safety and efficacy

Vasectomy is a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy, guaranteeing almost 100 percent efficacy. It is a safe and low-risk procedure, with just about 1 percent of men reporting side effects such as infection, bleeding and pain. Compared to tubal ligation, vasectomy is faster, less painful and has fewer potential complications. Vasectomy does not significantly change the amount of semen as only sperm will be absent from the ejaculate. It also does not change the way a man ejaculates or feels when having orgasm, so your sex life will remain the same except there will be no worry about pregnancy.

At Advanced Urology Institute, we use the most up-to-date no-scalpel techniques to perform vasectomy and vasectomy reversal quickly, painlessly and effectively. We take great care to review the medical history of every patient, evaluate and counsel our patients, answer all patient questions and ensure that only the right candidates undergo the procedure. We also deliver a safe and effective procedure through a patient-centered, multidisciplinary approach that guarantees the best services for all our patients. At AUI, your health is our number one priority. For more information on vasectomy and vasectomy reversal, visit the “Advanced Urology Institute” site.