Understanding Common Prostate Problems

The prostate gland is a uniquely male body organ. It is small, walnut-shaped and located just under the bladder. The urethra passes through it, carrying both urine and semen. Its main job is to make fluid for the semen.

Many different prostate problems have similar symptoms. If a person experiences these symptoms, it is time to see a urologist. For example, a man may find his urine flow to be too slow or have difficulty urinating. Or he may have the sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate that can cause leaking. Occasional leakage may occur if the urge comes when there is no restroom nearby.

But if such urges happen frequently and too quickly to reach facilities, there may be a problem. If there is a need to struggle or strain to maintain a urine flow, or if the flow is abnormally slow for more than a few days, it is time to talk to your doctor. Pain in the scrotum or penis or a feeling that the bladder is still full after urinating can be indications of a problem. Any combination of these symptoms should be reason to contact a urologist or your primary care doctor as soon as possible.

Some symptoms require prompt attention. You should go to an emergency room if your urine has blood in it or a cloudy appearance, if it develops a very strong unusual smell or if you experience severe pain when urinating. Seek immediate medical attention if you develop a fever, chills or strong body aches in the pelvic region.

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. Nearly one out of every ten men will develop it in their senior years. Most prostate cancers grow slowly, so quality of life over a long period of time is the issue. There are many effective treatments that, unfortunately, have side-effects men find difficult to discuss. Although prostate cancer is not necessarily a terminal illness, it can be. It is important to see a doctor about symptoms because an early diagnosis increases the likelihood of successfully managing and outliving the condition.

PSA tests are good indicators of the health of the prostate, but slowly increasing levels may mean doing more testing. A PSA test looks for a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the bloodstream. Modern medical science is still trying to figure out how quickly and how much to do when PSA tests are abnormal. Your urologist will have the latest information for determining proper treatment.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one medical condition that, like cancer, often has no clearly known reason for happening. Doctors do know that it often responds to certain types of treatments, albeit not the same way for each person. Any change in the size of the prostate, such as from cancer or from an enlarged prostate, puts pressure on the urethra, affecting urine flow and the ability to properly urinate.

The board-certified urologists at the Advanced Urology Institute are all qualified to diagnose and treat prostate problems with the best options available today. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.