What is the first sign of bladder cancer? with Dr. Ketan Kapadia


  1. The first sign of bladder cancer is often gross hematuria, or visible blood in the urine.
  2. Early detection of bladder cancer is crucial for more effective treatment and improved patient outcomes.
  3. The Advanced Urology Institute, led by Dr. Ketan Kapadia, offers comprehensive care and state-of-the-art treatments for patients with bladder cancer and other urological issues.

Bladder cancer is a common type of cancer that affects many individuals, particularly those with a history of smoking. Dr. Ketan A. Kapadia, MD, a board-certified urologist in St. Petersburg, FL, discusses the early signs of bladder cancer and the importance of early detection for effective treatment. The Advanced Urology Institute provides comprehensive care for patients dealing with bladder cancer and other urological issues.

First Sign of Bladder Cancer: Gross Hematuria

According to Dr. Kapadia, the most common and critical first sign of bladder cancer is gross hematuria, or visible blood in the urine. This symptom should be taken seriously, as it could indicate the presence of bladder cancer, particularly among individuals with a history of smoking. Even for those who have quit smoking, the risk of bladder cancer remains elevated.

The Importance of Early Detection

Dr. Kapadia emphasizes the importance of catching bladder cancer in its early stages, as this allows for more effective treatment and a better prognosis. If a patient experiences urinary complaints such as blood in the urine or more frequent urination, they should be evaluated for bladder cancer. Early detection and diagnosis can lead to more conservative treatments and improved outcomes for patients.

Bladder Cancer and Smoking

Smoking is a significant risk factor for bladder cancer, with former and current smokers being at higher risk. Dr. Kapadia notes that even after quitting smoking, individuals remain at an elevated risk for developing bladder cancer. This highlights the importance of regular screenings and evaluations for those with a history of smoking, as early detection is critical in bladder cancer treatment.

Treatment Options for Bladder Cancer

In the past, cystectomies, or the surgical removal of the bladder, were a common treatment for bladder cancer. Dr. Kapadia, who trained with leading expert Donald Skinner, has extensive experience in performing cystectomies and bladder reconstruction. However, thanks to advances in medical knowledge and treatment options, bladder removal is now less common. By catching bladder cancer early, more conservative treatments may be possible, resulting in better outcomes for patients.

Advanced Urology Institute

As the largest urology practice in Florida, the Advanced Urology Institute offers comprehensive care and state-of-the-art treatments for a wide range of urological issues, including bladder cancer. Dr. Ketan Kapadia and his team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care and innovative solutions for patients, with a focus on early detection and effective treatment options.


I’m Ketan Kapadia, I’m with Advanced Urology Institute and board certified urologist.

Well number one is gross hematuria, blood in the urine.

If you see blood in the urine we need to make sure you don’t have bladder cancer and obviously

we see a lot of bladder cancer in Florida.

It happens to be much increased on patients who’ve had smoking history, even if you quit

you’re still at risk.

I used to do a lot of cystectomies where we removed bladders and do reconstruction.

Fortunately we don’t have to do those as much anymore.

I trained with Donald Skinner who was the leading expert on doing that operation.

But again we want to try to catch things early.

If somebody’s having urinary complaints of blood or even just more frequently going to

the bathroom and things are not right that may need to be evaluated for bladder cancer.