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Are Medications Effective in Treating Erectile Dysfunction – Dr. Yaser Bassel

My name is Yaser Bassel, I am a board-certified urologist with Advanced Urology Institute.

I would say the vast majority of them, especially if they have not tried medications prior to them being seen in our office, probably 70-80 percent of those men will at least have a response to the medication oftentimes enough to basically be satisfactory to the patient or make them pleased with the way the medication is working. So most of them would actually get a good response to the medication.

Are there other treatment options for ED?

As far as what we have available to us now and what’s on the forefront, [for] those patients that do not want medication there are some newer technologies that are available that utilize shockwave energy to try and create newer vascularity in order to get a better response for that medication and that is something that’s basically come out over the past couple of years that we are starting to utilize in our practice. For those that do not respond to medication and still want to have treatment, the next step oftentimes [is] performing a test called a Penile Doppler where we will inject the penis with a vasoactive medication which will then initiate an erection so that we can measure blood flow and also measure for a venous leak which are two reasons why patients can have issues with erectile dysfunction.

If you are in need of a consultation or have any questions, visit us at our Tampa, FL office or call us at (813) 749-0820.

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Advanced Urology Institute

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