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Debunking the Top 5 Vasectomy Myths

Key Takeaways:
1. A vasectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that typically takes less than an hour, and pain management during and after the procedure can minimize any potential discomfort.
2. Studies have found no long-term health issues associated with getting a vasectomy, and men typically report no difference in the quality of their sex after the procedure.
3. Vasectomies are safe and a reliable option for successful pregnancy prevention and should be additionally combined with other forms of protection such as male and female condoms to protect against STIs.


A vasectomy is a form of family planning in which a surgeon of either gender blocks the flow of sperm to the majority of the vas deferens in a procedure that typically takes less than an hour. This simple and minimally invasive procedure is increasingly popular among men who are confident that they do not want to become fathers. It is important to note, however, that vasectomies do not offer protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

It is no surprise then that so many questions and myths about vasectomies exist. This article debunks five of the most common vasectomy myths with evidence from clinical studies. With accurate information and knowledge that vasectomies are a safe, effective and long-term option, men can make an informed decision.

Purpose of Article

This article is intended for men considering a vasectomy and their partners. The article debunks five of the most common vasectomy myths often encountered by men who are considering the procedure and provides accurate information so that readers can make an informed decision.

Debunking Myth #1: A Vasectomy is Uncomfortable

Many men fear that a vasectomy is a painful procedure and this fear can cause anxiety when considering the procedure. This fear is unfounded as a vasectomy is minimally invasive and can be a relatively comfortable experience.

What to Expect During the Procedure

A vasectomy can be performed under local anesthesia in a doctor’s office or similar setting. During the procedure, the doctor will first administer a local anesthetic to the scrotum where the vasectomy is taking place. The doctor will then make a small incision in the scrotum and will either block or cut the vas deferens, the tube that transfers sperm from the testicles into the seminal stream. The incision will then be closed with stitches or clips and the procedure is complete. Most men experience nothing more than mild discomfort and minor bleeding post-surgery.

Pain Management During and After the Procedure

Both local anesthetic and painkillers are utilized during and after the procedure to minimize discomfort and maximize comfort. Some common medications prescribed after the procedure include ibuprofen and acetaminophen for pain management and antibiotics for infection prevention. The doctor may also prescribe or suggest an ice pack for any swelling or discomfort felt post-surgery. All medications, if taken in accordance with the doctor’s direction, can minimize any potential discomfort.

Debunking Myth #2: Vasectomies Can Lead to Long-Term Health Issues

Many men worry that a vasectomy is associated with long-term health issues such as testicular cancer or prostate problems. This is simply not true.

Studies Refuting Health Risk Claim

A number of studies conducted over several decades have debunked the myth of long-term health risks due to vasectomy. One of the largest and longest studies to date, which involved more than 200,000 men and lasted more than 20 years showed no increased risk of testicular cancer in vasectomized men. A re-analysis of seven studies involving over 11,000 men also could not demonstrate a link between vasectomy and prostate cancer. 

Causes of Health Concerns in Men Post-Vasectomy

In some men, approximately 10-15%, inflammation of the epididymis, a tube on the testicle, may occur. This inflammation is called epididymitis and can be treated with medication. Another side effect that men may experience post-vasectomy is the formation of sperm antibodies. These antibodies, however, can only affect a man’s fertility if he opts for a vasectomy reversal and are not associated with any longer-term health risks.

Debunking Myth #3: Sex After a Vasectomy is Unsatisfying

Satisfaction with sex post-vasectomy does not appear to be influenced by the procedure.

Impact on Erectile Function

Erectile function after vasectomy is not affected by the procedure, provided that the patient follows post-surgery instructions regarding activity level and the use of ejaculatory suppression (orgasm without ejaculation) during the healing period.

Impact on Sperm Production

Even though the semen will appear the same after a vasectomy, the man will be infertile as the vas deferens have been blocked. A man’s testosterone production is not affected and thus produces testosterone at approximately the same rate as pre-vasectomy.

Satisfaction Levels Post-Vasectomy

A 2014 study analyzing 108 vasectomies reported that there was no difference in satisfaction levels or sex quality after vasectomy compared to before. This finding was echoed in an earlier study, which reported that three years post-vasectomy, about 90% of those studied were satisfied with their sexual relationships and felt that the procedure had no impact on their satisfaction.

Debunking Myth #4: It’s Easy to Reverse a Vasectomy

Vasectomy reversals are possible but not guaranteed.

Success Rates for Reversals

Reversal of a vasectomy is possible, but there is no guarantee that fertility will be restored. Rewiring of the vas deferens as well as reconstruction of the epididymis and testicle may be necessary. Success rate relies heavily on the patient’s biology and the skills of the surgeon, as well as time since the initial procedure. Generally, the closer in time the reversal is to the vasectomy, the higher the rate of success; in such cases, it can be upwards of 75%.

Cost and Duration Required for Reversal

The reversal process is extensive and expensive, costing in excess of $5000. It is also more time consuming than the initial procedure, taking around three hours compared to the approximately twenty minutes required for a vasectomy. As the procedure depends heavily on the surgeon’s skills, studies suggest that a higher-volume vasectomy reversal center may yield the best results.

Debunking Myth #5: Vasectomy is Only for Married Couples

Vasectomy is safe for anyone who is sure that he does not want to become a father.

Responsible Pregnancy Prevention for All Couples

Vasectomy can be a safe and self-empowering option for responsible pregnancy prevention for couples regardless of marital status.

Considerations for Unmarried Couples

It is important for unmarried couples to remember that while a vasectomy offers reliable contraception, it does not protect against STIs. For these couples, other forms of protection such as male and female condoms should also be considered.


Vasectomy is an increasingly popular choice among men who are sure that they do not want to father children. Five common vasectomy myths have been debunked in this article, including that a vasectomy is uncomfortable, is associated with long-term health risks, makes sex unsatisfying, is easy to reverse, or is only for married couples. With accurate information and knowledge that vasectomies are a safe, effective and long-term option, men can make an informed decision.

Seeking qualified professional assistance and support can provide further elucidation of the procedure and its effects so that readers can make a confident and educated choice. At Advanced Urology Institute, Florida’s largest urology practice, skilled and experienced professionals are available to provide comprehensive services throughout the vasectomy process including consultation, procedure, post-surgery follow-up and support. For more information please visit our website at


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Advanced Urology Institute

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