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Treatment Options for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the clinical term for an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate presses on the urethra which passes through its middle. This causes difficulties with the passing of urine, such as urine retention, weak urine stream or a frequent and sudden urge to urinate. If left untreated, it may lead to urinary tract infections and bladder complications. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is not cancerous and it is normal for men over age 40 to start manifesting symptoms. The condition is highly treatable.

Treatment Options for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The treatment is determined by the age and general health of the patient, the size of the patient’s prostate and the severity of the symptoms. After making an evaluation based on those factors, a urologist will recommend either of the following options:

1. Oral Medication
Mild cases of benign prostate hyperplasia respond extremely well to medication. The available medication falls into two categories. There are alpha blockers that relax bladder and prostate muscles, making urination easier. The other choice may be the 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to prevent hormonal changes that cause prostate enlargement. These work to gradually reduce the size of the prostate. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe both alpha blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

2. Minimally invasive Procedures
The variety of treatment options that fall under minimally invasive procedures include:

  1. Laser therapy. This is where a high powered laser beam is used to destroy the excess prostatic tissue.
  2. Transurethral incision. With the help of a lighted scope inserted through the urethra, the surgeon makes two incisions on the prostate to ease the passage of urine.
  3. Transurethral resection. This one is administered in the same way as a transurethral incision, except the surgeon removes the inner tissue of the prostate and leaves just the outer parts.
  4. Prostatic Urethral Lift. This is a relatively new procedure. It involves placing small implants that lift and hold the excess prostatic tissue so it no longer presses on the urethra. This procedure is widely recommended because it eliminates the irritation or discomfort that may be caused by the other procedures that involve laser therapy or cutting tissue away.
  5. Open prostatic surgery. This option is used only where the prostate is very large or the symptoms are extremely severe. It is not commonly done.

When symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia begin to manifest, a patient should consult a urologist immediately so the condition can be managed well from the outset. There are many platforms for obtaining more information and help, such as the Advanced Urology Institute. At Advanced Urology Institute, a team of experts can help with diagnosis and treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia and answer any questions you may have. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

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Advanced Urology Institute

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