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Understanding and Treating Female Incontinence: What Can Advanced Urology Institute Offer?

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Advanced Urology Institute has a multitude of options for treating female incontinence, from the least invasive to the most specialized, tailored to the individual.
  • Female incontinence is a common condition that is often a quality of life issue.
  • The institute’s patient-centric approach assures that the treatment adapts to the individual, allowing them to manage the condition and move towards better quality of life.

Understanding and Treating Female Incontinence: What Can Advanced Urology Institute Offer?Female incontinence, although a delicate topic, is a prevalent condition impacting a significant number of women. It’s an intimate matter and for some, a quality of life issue; thus, understanding and addressing it is paramount. As you navigate your way through Orange City, FL, you’ll come across the highly acclaimed Advanced Urology Institute, home to leading urologists and physician assistants contributing to the progressive face of urological healthcare.

Understanding the Underlying Cause

Quynh-Dao Tonnu, a competent Physician Assistant at Advanced Urology Institute, explains the potential causes of female incontinence. She posits, “They could have like a narrowed urethra or maybe they need to be dilated or have a procedure or it could be they have overactive bladder and their bladder is kind of contracting inappropriately and making them go more frequently so we kind of have to assess the underlying cause.”

Tonnu dispels the discomfort around discussing female incontinence, asserting that, as a female physician assistant, she doesn’t find it particularly challenging to address this issue. She underlines, “If they’ve made the conscious decision to make the appointment come in they are willing to talk about it because it’s gotten to that point where it’s bad enough.”

A Multitude of Therapeutic Alternatives

The patient’s comfort is paramount in managing this critical quality of life issue. To this purpose, the institute offers a a number of options for treating female incontinence. As Dr. Arash Rafiei, a Board Certified Urologist, emphasizes, “We ask the patient first, is it bothersome? If it’s bothersome, then we have multiple things that we can do for the patient.”

Dr. Rafiei then details the progressive approach taken by the institute, starting from “the least invasive behavioral modification and pelvic floor therapy,” moving on to medication, and if necessary, advancing to more specialized procedures. These include Botox injection, neural stimulation, and Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS).

The Advanced Urology Institute Advantage: Treating Female Incontinence

At the heart of Orange City, FL, lies the largest urology practice in Florida — the Advanced Urology Institute. This is where you, as a patient, are seen not just as a case, but as an individual whose quality of life matters profoundly. With a team of highly qualified urologists and physician assistants, an adaptive approach to treatment, and a genuine commitment to patient comfort, the institute has raised the bar for urological healthcare.

Furthermore, the fact that they offer a complete suite of treatment options, from the least invasive to the most specialized, ensures that you get the best possible care tailored to your specific needs.

In essence, if you’re grappling with female incontinence in Orange City, FL, Advanced Urology Institute is more than capable of providing the much-needed assistance. Their adept team’s patient-centric approach assures that the treatment adapts to you, not the other way around — turning a potentially life-disturbing event into a manageable health concern. So, take that step towards a better quality of life with the Advanced Urology Institute.



Quynh-Dao Tonnu, PA-C (Physician Assistant at Orange City, FL):

So it could be two things. They could have like a narrowed urethra or maybe they need to be dilated or have a procedure or it could be they have overactive bladder and their bladder is kind of contracting inappropriately and making them go more frequently so we kind of have to assess the underlying cause. Yeah I don’t find it particularly difficult to have that conversation maybe because I’m also female but if they’ve made the conscious decision to make the appointment come in they are willing to talk about it because it’s gotten to that point where it’s bad enough.

Arash Rafiei, MD (Board Certified Urologist at Orange City, FL):

As I said, this is a quality of life issue. So we ask the patient first, is it bothersome? If it’s bothersome, then we have multiple things that we can do for the patient. The least invasive is behavioral modification and pelvic floor therapy that we can offer. After that, there are medications that we can offer the patient for the overactive bladder. If that doesn’t work, then there are procedures that can be done, including Botox injection, neural stimulation that can be done and what’s called a peritibial nerve stimulation PTNS and we do offer all of those here.

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Advanced Urology Institute

Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida. We are dedicated to improving the lives of our patients by providing excellent Patient-Centered Care. Set an appointment or visit our closest office near you.

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