Urology is the study of medicine that focuses on the male and female urinary tract system, as well as the male reproductive system. Urology impacts a broad scope of human organs, including kidneys, bladder, urethra and male reproductive organs such as the testes, prostate glands and penis. Urology is a field for health issues that patients often ignore until long after they start to notice symptoms. Some of the issues that urologists can diagnose early and treat more effectively include cancer, erectile dysfunction, incontinence and infertility.
Dr Stephen Weiss (MD) has highlighted reasons why men should visit a urologist at the first sign of a symptom. Men often ignore their urinary tract problems until middle age or later. According to Dr Weiss, most men in their 50’s visit a urologist for the following reasons: They get up to urinate more often at night, streams are weak, leakage occurs, they see blood in their urine or have trouble with erections. In addition to diagnosing problems during a physical exam, urologists use lab tests to check urine for blood or PSA (prostate specific antigens) that indicate the possibility of prostate cancer. Essentially, urologists try to ensure that all bases are covered during an annual checkup. Some of the most common symptoms that can be treated by a urologist are listed below.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction, also known as “ED,” occurs when the penis cannot become rigid enough for sexual intercourse. Urologists can identify and treat patients with underlying issues by means of prescription drugs or surgery.
There are many types of cancer related to the urinary tract system, including prostate, kidney, testicular and bladder cancer. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States and a diagnosis in the early stages allows for a greater chance of full recovery.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are minerals that form in the kidney and discharge from the body with urine flow. They are often associated with a stinging pain when urinating. If they become larger, the experience of passing a kidney stone can be intensely painful. This condition is more common in men than women and preventative measures can be taken with the help of a urologist.
Urinary Incontinence
Often believed to be associated more with women than men, urinary incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine which affects more than 50% of the elderly population in the United States. This common problem is often ignored due to embarrassment, but incontinence can be effectively treated with medical intervention.
The Advanced Urology Institute website provides useful information about common urological issues for men and women. If you have any questions or concerns about urinary or reproductive health problems, make an appointment to visit a urologist today. Dr Stephen Weiss is available for consultations.