Recent Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment


Prostate cancer is cancer of the gland that produces seminal fluid for the nourishment of sperm. Some cases are slow developing and do not affect the patient significantly. These can be managed by watchful waiting and constant monitoring. Others are aggressive and must be addressed immediately. As with most cancers, early diagnosis increases the chances of successful treatment.

Developments in the treatment of prostate cancer

1. Multiparametric MRI (MpMRI) in diagnosis

Determining which cancer is life threatening and which one is not is a critical issue. In order to carry out a more efficient diagnosis, doctors now are using an MRI guided biopsy instead of the more traditional transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy. The MpMRI provides better results determining if the prostate is infected and if the cancer has spread outside the prostate. It can help a doctor decide whether or not a patient should undergo a biopsy. And the MpMRI can be used to monitor the cancer growth, making it a very useful tool when watchful waiting is adopted.

2. Use of immunotherapy in treatment

Until recently, it was thought that immunotherapy was ineffective against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer treatment was primarily limited to surgery, hormone therapy and radiotherapy. In recent years, however, researchers have found that immunotherapy, specifically a drug called pembrolizumab, may be effective in treating aggressive cases of prostate cancer that have advanced beyond the other forms of treatment.

3. Robotic surgery

Like most other areas of surgery, the treatment of prostate cancer has benefited from the use of robotic or the da vinci surgical system that is guided by a surgeon operating from a console. Patients who undergo prostatectomy to remove the prostate may avoid open surgery by opting for robotic surgery. Benefits of robotic surgery include reduced bleeding, reduced pain, low risk of post surgery infections and fast recovery rates.

Medical advancements have improved cancer treatment outcomes and changed lives for the better. At Advanced Urology Institute, the team of specialists uses the latest techniques and technology for treating prostate cancer. They are available to offer consultation, diagnosis and treatment best suited for the individual patient.

For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.