Kidney Stones Symptoms with Dr. Brian Hale

My name is Brian Hale. I’m a board certified urologist working with Advanced Urology Institute.

So patients who have kidney stones usually complain of flank pain, which is where the pain would be behind the lower ribs and sometimes it wraps around towards the front [and] down towards the groin area. Those are the most common symptoms, [sometimes] they’ll also have blood in the urine on our testing in the office.

Usually we’ll get an ultrasound or CT scan that diagnoses the stone, it’ll tell us the size and location. If the stones are smaller [about] less than 4 millimeters in size, ninety (90) percent of those times it will pass on their own. So on those patients, I give them a chance to try to pass the stone before we operate on them. When they’re bigger, they’ll be more than 6 millimeters in size, the less of a change of passing [the stone], less than ten (10) percent. For those patients, we look at the scheduling surgery for.

Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation: Which One to Choose According to Dr. Yaser Bassel?


  • Dr. Yaser S. Bassel, MD, a board-certified urologist in Tampa, FL, recommends vasectomy as a more straightforward and less invasive sterilization option compared to tubal ligation for women.
  • Vasectomy is a quick, in-office procedure that does not impact erectile function or libido in men.
  • Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida, offering comprehensive care for patients seeking sterilization options and other urological treatments.

Introduction: Sterilization Options for Couples

Dr. Yaser S. Bassel, a board-certified urologist in Tampa, FL, practices at Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida. In this article, Dr. Bassel discusses the differences between vasectomy and tubal ligation as sterilization options for couples, and why vasectomy is often the better choice.

Vasectomy: An In-Office Procedure for Sterilization

Dr. Bassel performs no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomies as an easy in-office procedure for male sterilization. He explains that this option is often more favorable than tubal ligation for women, as it is less invasive and quicker. A vasectomy typically takes 10 to 15 minutes and can be performed under local anesthesia. To help patients relax during the procedure, Dr. Bassel sometimes offers a Valium tablet.

Tubal Ligation: A More Invasive Surgical Procedure

In contrast to vasectomy, tubal ligation is a more invasive surgical procedure for women. It often requires general anesthesia and is more time-consuming than a vasectomy. While tubal ligation is also an effective sterilization method, Dr. Bassel suggests that a vasectomy is generally a better option for couples due to its simplicity and faster recovery time.

Vasectomy Recovery and Misconceptions

Dr. Bassel emphasizes that patients who undergo a vasectomy should avoid strenuous activities for one week to ensure proper healing. He also addresses common concerns that men have about the procedure, specifically that it may negatively impact their libido or erectile function. Dr. Bassel assures that there is no correlation between vasectomy and these issues, and that men can expect their sexual function to remain unchanged following the procedure.

Advanced Urology Institute: Leading the Way in Urological Care

As the largest urology practice in Florida, Advanced Urology Institute offers comprehensive care for patients with various urological conditions, including those seeking sterilization options like vasectomy. With a team of board-certified urologists such as Dr. Yaser Bassel, patients can expect state-of-the-art treatment options and personalized care.


My name is Yaser Bassel. I’m a board-certified urologist with Advanced Urology Institute. 

I do perform no needle, no scalp with vasectomies and that is an easy in-office procedure for sterilization. For men that oftentimes is the better option than for women undergoing tubal ligation. In that case, women oftentimes will have to have general anesthesia and require a surgical procedure. For men this is typically a 10 to 15 minute procedure that’s performed in the office and oftentimes we can give patients a Valium tablet so that they’re relaxed during the procedure and afterwards as long as the patient is compliant with no strenuous activities for one week they typically do not have any issues with regards to healing. Oftentimes men are concerned that a vasectomy can affect their libido or affect their erectile function. There’s absolutely no correlation with that and there’s no effect on erectile function or libido for men.


Female Pain During Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse shouldn’t be painful. But for some women, it is.
For some, there may be pain during sexual entry or thrusting. For others, there is a burning, aching, or throbbing pain with every penetration, even pain that lasts several hours after intercourse.

What could be the reason for this?

Pain can be experienced before, during, or after vaginal sexual intercourse. Also called dyspareunia, painful intercourse occurs at the top of the vagina and intensifies with thrusting. It is characterized by a tearing, burning, or aching sensation.

Painful Intercourse The condition can happen at any age. It tends to occur in women who are still young, but you may also have the condition during or after menopause due to decreased elasticity of the vaginal walls, narrowing of the vaginal opening, or increased vaginal dryness. You may also experience painful intercourse after surgical menopause — the surgical removal of ovaries.

Learn more about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of Painful Intercourse.

When Is the Right Time for a PSA Test, According to Dr. Yaser Bassel?


  • Men with a family history of prostate cancer or African-American males should start screening at age 40.
  • For the general population, the American Urological Association recommends screening at age 55.
  • The PSA test is an important tool for the early detection of prostate cancer.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is a common test used to screen for prostate cancer. However, there has been controversy over when men should start getting tested for this type of cancer. In this article, we will discuss the right time for a PSA test according to Dr. Yaser Bassel, a board-certified urologist in Tampa, FL, and a member of Advanced Urology Institute.

Who Should Start Screening at Age 40?

Dr. Yaser Bassel recommends that men with a family history of prostate cancer or African-American males should start screening at age 40. This is because they are at higher risk of developing prostate cancer. African-American men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men, and they are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer at an earlier age. Additionally, men with a family history of prostate cancer have a higher risk of developing the disease themselves.

What Does the Screening Involve?

The screening process for prostate cancer typically involves a PSA blood test and a digital rectal exam. The PSA blood test measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland, and high levels of PSA can be an indication of prostate cancer. The digital rectal exam involves a doctor inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate gland and check for any abnormalities.

When Should the General Population Start Screening?

For the general population, the American Urological Association recommends screening at age 55. This is because the risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age. However, if a man has a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors, such as African-American heritage, he may need to start screening earlier.

The Importance of Early Detection

The PSA test is an important tool for the early detection of prostate cancer. When caught early, prostate cancer is often treatable, and the chances of survival are high. However, if prostate cancer is not detected early, it can spread to other parts of the body and become more difficult to treat. Therefore, it is important for men to talk to their doctor about the right time for them to start getting screened for prostate cancer.

Advanced Urology Institute

Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida, with multiple locations throughout the state, including Tampa. They offer a wide range of urological services, including prostate cancer screenings, and their team of experienced urologists is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to their patients. If you are in need of urological care, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Advanced Urology Institute.


My name is Yaser Bassel. I’m a board-certified urologist with Advanced Urology Institute. 

In particular, it’s important for men with a family history of prostate cancer or African-American males to start screening at age 40. And again, that’s typically done with an annual PSA blood test and also a digital rectal exam. For the general population, the American Urological Association now recommends screening at age 55. It’s pretty simple. It involves really just a simple blood test that’s done once a year and then also a prostate exam or a digital rectal exam.


Vaginal Dryness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Has sex been giving you more discomfort than pleasure lately? Do you experience pain, irritation, burning or dryness? Is there bleeding or spotting during or after sex?

If there is, then you might be experiencing vaginal dryness.

For this condition, you may need to speak with a female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS) physician for help. At Advanced Urology Institute, we have FPMRS physicians at our Fort Myers center to ensure you get prompt attention from a location near you.

But first, what is vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness refers to a persistent irritating, burning, or itching sensation in the vagina. It is due to inadequate vaginal moisture that makes it feel too dry or too tight. The condition is more noticeable during sexual intercourse as it results in pain and discomfort.

Learn more about vaginal dryness, it’s causes, symptoms and treatment.

How effective is a vasectomy reversal?

My name is Yaser Bassel. I’m a board certified urologist with Advanced Urology Institute.

When we counsel patients before they get a vasectomy, we do tell them that this is considered a permanent form of sterilization. However vasectomies can be reversed. The vasectomy reversal process is typically one that is not covered by insurance so it can be expensive but it is possible and typically with seventy-five to eighty percent (75-80%) success rates. [While], I do not personally perform the vasectomy reversals themselves, I do have a partner that specializes in that area. So if that is something men are interested in, that is something that is offered by our practice.