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Choosing Between Surgery and Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

3 Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing between surgery and radiation therapy for prostate cancer depends on factors such as age, preexisting conditions, and sphincter control status. Radiation therapy may be more suitable for elderly patients or those with compromised erectile function or sphincter control.
  • Radiation therapy is less invasive than surgery and can effectively combat cancer. However, it requires multiple treatments and can be a long process.
  • Surgery may be a better option for patients without serious preexisting conditions who desire a more aggressive and potentially curative intervention. The decision ultimately rests with the patient after receiving professional insights from the urologist.

Choosing Between Surgery and Radiation Therapy for Prostate CancerProstate cancer is a widespread health challenge that many men face, and the choice between surgery and radiation therapy can be a taxing decision. From the experienced insights of our seasoned urologists, Dr. Chad Hubsher of Dunedin, FL, and Dr. Amar Raval of New Port Richey, FL, offers their valuable perspectives on this crucial decision.

Evaluating the Prospects: Surgery vs. Radiation Therapy

Our guiding principle at Advanced Urology Institute is “There’s a treatment for every patient,” as Dr. Hubsher aptly states. The suitability of radiation therapy or surgery is contingent on several factors, including a patient’s age, preexisting conditions, or even sphincter control status.

Radiation therapy’s advantages lie in its less invasive nature, especially for the elderly patients. “Radiation is great for certain patients, primarily if we’re a little bit elderly or we don’t have as good erectile function or if our sphincter control is already compromised,” explains Dr. Hubsher. By using radiation to obliterate the cancerous tissue, patients can avoid the invasive nature of surgery while still effectively combating the cancer.

That being said, the process of radiation, or radiotherapy, can be somewhat laborious, often involving around 40 treatments. Yet the silver lining, as Dr. Hubsher points out, is that “it’s painless as opposed to surgery, which can be a little bit more invasive.”

When Surgery Might Make More Sense

While radiotherapy has its merits, in some cases, surgery might be the more advantageous route. Dr. Amar Raval gets straight to the point, stating, “Surgery is surgery at the end of the day, and it does have its own complications and you’re making incisions.”

However, surgery may be a superior option for patients without serious preexisting conditions, who desire a more aggressive and potentially more curative intervention. Despite this, Dr. Raval is quick to denote the importance of patient choice, adding, “I leave it up to patients to decide what they want to do,” after giving his professional insights.

The Power of Personalized Consultation

In your journey towards choosing between surgery and radiation therapy for prostate cancer as the best treatment option, the value of comprehensive and compassionate consultation cannot be expressed enough. With our urologists in FL—be it in Dunedin or New Port Richey—a thorough discussion would help illuminate “which one is the best option for a patient,” as Dr. Hubsher reminds us. Grappling with the “big conversation” about your treatment options can be daunting. But worry not, as our professional team will be there every step of the way to ensure you make an informed decision.

Advancing towards Victory with Advanced Urology Institute

At the Advanced Urology Institute, our ultimate goal is clear—to move “more at curing [prostate cancer] as opposed to managing it,” as Dr. Hubsher assures. We pride ourselves on being the largest urology practice in Florida. Our experienced, patient-focused urologists ensure that you get the best treatment strategy, be it radiation therapy or surgery, to ensure your triumph over prostate cancer.

It’s about more than just making a choice—it’s about making the choice that best allows you to lead a fulfilling, healthy life after prostate cancer. Because at the end of the day, your victory is our victory. That’s our commitment. That’s the Advanced Urology Institute.



Dr. Chad Hubsher (Dunedin, FL):
There’s a treatment for every patient, so radiation is great for certain patients, primarily if we’re a little bit elderly or we don’t have as good erectile function or if our sphincter control is already compromised, we would go ahead and use radiation to ablate the tissue. Traditionally, radiation can be a little bit cumbersome where it’s around 40 treatments give or take. 

The good news is it’s painless as opposed to surgery, which can be a little bit more invasive for some of our patients, but it’s still painless. Patients do great with it. There’s a lengthy discussion that we go through to try to discuss which one is the best option for a patient, but nowadays with prostate cancer, we’re definitely looking more at curing it as opposed to managing it.

Dr. Amar Raval (Trinity Duck Slough in New Port Richey, FL):
You know, surgery is surgery at the end of the day, and it does have its own complications and you’re, you know, making incisions. With radiation, I like to give it to patients who are older, who want treatment and also have medical comorbidities or different things that may limit them from being successful from a surgical outcome. 

But I think it’s, again, it’s a big conversation to have, and ultimately I, you know, give my thoughts, but I leave it up to patients to decide what they want to do.

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Advanced Urology Institute

Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida. We are dedicated to improving the lives of our patients by providing excellent Patient-Centered Care. Set an appointment or visit our closest office near you.

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