What is Urinary Incontinence in Women and how can Dr. Amar Raval help?


  1. Women commonly experience stress incontinence and urge incontinence, both of which can significantly impact their quality of life.
  2. Dr. Amar Raval offers various treatment options, including medications, Interstim devices, Botox, needle acupuncture, urethral slings, and robotic surgery.
  3. The Advanced Urology Institute, led by Dr. Raval, is committed to helping women improve their quality of life and confidence by addressing urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life, causing embarrassment, discomfort, and inconvenience. Dr. Amar J. Raval, a urologist in Tampa, FL, offers various treatment options for women suffering from urinary incontinence. The Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, provides comprehensive care for women experiencing urinary incontinence and other urological issues.

Types of Urinary Incontinence in Women

Women often experience two main types of urinary incontinence: stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when women leak urine during activities that put pressure on the bladder, such as laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Urge incontinence involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate, followed by involuntary leakage of urine. Both conditions can be distressing and inconvenient, but treatment options are available to help manage the symptoms and improve women’s quality of life.

Treatment Options for Urinary Incontinence

Dr. Raval offers a variety of treatment options to help women manage urinary incontinence. These options include:


  1. Medications: Some medications can help control the symptoms of urinary incontinence, particularly urge incontinence.
  2. Interstim device: This device stimulates the sacral nerves, helping to regulate bladder control and reducing the symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  3. Botox: Injections of Botox into the bladder can help relax the bladder muscles, decreasing urinary urgency and leakage.
  4. Needle acupuncture: Acupuncture needles can help stimulate specific points on the body, which may help reduce the symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  5. Urethral slings: These surgical devices can support the urethra and help prevent stress incontinence.
  6. Robotic surgery: For women experiencing bladder prolapse, robotic surgery can lift the bladder and prevent further prolapse.

Improved Quality of Life and Confidence

By addressing urinary incontinence, women can experience improved confidence and quality of life. Dr. Raval and the team at the Advanced Urology Institute are dedicated to helping women regain control over their bladder and live more comfortably and confidently.

Advanced Urology Institute

The Advanced Urology Institute is the largest urology practice in Florida, providing comprehensive care for patients experiencing urinary incontinence and other urological issues. Led by experienced professionals like Dr. Amar Raval, the institute offers personalized treatment plans designed to address each patient’s unique needs and preferences.


Women generally present with issues like stress incontinence where they laugh, cough and sneeze

and leak urine or feel the urge to go don’t make it in time and leak urine and those are

big issues for them to have to wet themselves while they’re out in public and to be able

to control that with either it’s a medication or different other devices whether it’s an

interstim device, Botox or you know even a needle acupuncture needle that can have sense

to help mitigate that. I think there’s a lot of options that are available as well as for

stress incontinence, urethral slings or if they have prolapse or bladder prolapse or there’s also

robotic surgery that you can do to kind of lift the bladder up and to prevent the prolapse. So

I think from a lifestyle standpoint it makes a big difference and women are generally happier

and more confident in themselves.


Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk

My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute.[For] men with prostate cancer or kidney cancer or upper tract urothelial carcinoma of the kidney, all of these can be predisposed to genetic risk factors. So [for example] if there’s family members with colon cancer or family history of prostate cancer or even females with breast or ovarian cancer. There are certain genes that are expressed that can be identified in these family members and so they can be screened earlier and be able to be detected earlier. This is huge in the realm of cancer and oncologic treatment because to be able to identify these patients earlier allows you to avoid bigger surgeries or avoid metastatic disease later in life and treat them so that you can extend years, joyous years in your life.

Technological Advancements in Urology

My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute.

I love urology. I am privileged to be part of this community of urologists in the United States, and especially with Advanced Urology Institute. I think there are tremendous technological platforms that are available and we’re certainly unique in that field of surgery. From open [surgery] to robotics to laparoscopic to even prosthesis: whether it’s penile prosthesis or Interstim devices in the back to help control urinary incontinence, [and] urethral slings, there’s so much technology available in urology. It’s just a pleasure to be able to treat those patients.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Prostate Cancer – Dr. Amar Raval

My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute.

The first is watchful waiting, that’s knowing that you have prostate cancer but you don’t want to really do anything about it.

Active surveillance is when you’re diagnosed with either low risk or low volume intermediate risk prostate cancer, you follow up with PSAs and digital rectal exams every three to six (3-6) months and then biopsies subsequently. If it advances or it’s a higher stage, then you treat it.

There’s also radiation therapy with hormones, brachytherapy, and of course surgery which is a radical prostatectomy that can be done open or laparoscopically/robotically.

So there’s plenty of options out there. It can be a very confusing type of cancer to have and I think it warrants us long conversations with the patients so they know all the options that are available.

What Advantages Do Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery Offer with Dr. Amar Raval?


  • Laparoscopic and robotic surgeries offer several advantages, including reduced pain, smaller incisions, and shorter hospital stays, which lead to faster recovery times.
  • These minimally invasive techniques provide improved visualization and precision during surgery, resulting in better outcomes.
  • Dr. Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, and a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida.

Amar J. Raval, MD and the Rise of Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery

Dr. Amar J. Raval, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, specializing in advanced surgical techniques, including laparoscopic and robotic surgery. With the ever-evolving field of urology, these minimally invasive procedures have become increasingly popular for their numerous benefits, including reduced pain and faster recovery times. In this article, we will explore the advantages of laparoscopic and robotic surgery as explained by Dr. Raval.

Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery: Minimally Invasive Techniques for Better Outcomes

Laparoscopic and robotic surgeries are minimally invasive techniques that offer several advantages over traditional open surgery. As Dr. Raval explains, these methods involve small incisions, leading to less pain and shorter hospital stays for patients. This translates to a quicker recovery, with minimal discomfort during the healing process.

Improved Visualization and Precision

One of the most significant benefits of laparoscopic and robotic surgery is the enhanced visualization these techniques provide. Dr. Raval emphasizes the importance of being able to see small anatomical structures in great detail and in 3D, which ultimately leads to improved surgical outcomes.

The precision offered by robotic surgery, in particular, allows for more refined movements during the procedure, resulting in better surgical results. This level of accuracy can be vital when working with delicate structures in the urinary tract or reproductive system.

Reduced Complications and Scarring

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, laparoscopic and robotic surgeries are also associated with a lower risk of complications and less scarring compared to traditional open surgery. Due to the smaller incisions and the minimally invasive nature of these procedures, there is typically less blood loss and a reduced chance of infection.

Furthermore, the reduced scarring not only offers cosmetic benefits but can also decrease the likelihood of complications related to adhesions, which are bands of scar tissue that can form after surgery.

Dr. Amar Raval at Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Amar J. Raval is a skilled urologist in Tampa, FL, who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for his patients. As a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Raval works alongside a team of experienced urologists who share his commitment to excellence in patient care.

By offering state-of-the-art laparoscopic and robotic surgeries, the Advanced Urology Institute ensures that their patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available in the field of urology.


My name is Amir J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute. Laparoscopic and robotic surgery is unique because it minimizes your pain, has small incisions, and results in a shorter hospital stay. These three benefits are a big deal and patients recover faster with minimal pain and discomfort. Additionally, with robotic and laparoscopic techniques, the visualization is significantly improved. You’re able to see small anatomy in great detail and in 3D, and make fine movements for a better outcome and surgery.


Dr. Amar Raval’s Recommendations: Surgery or Radiation for Prostate Cancer?


  • Surgery and radiation therapy are two common treatment options for prostate cancer, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
  • Dr. Raval often recommends radiation therapy for older patients or those with medical comorbidities that may limit their ability to undergo surgery successfully.
  • Dr. Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, and a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida.

Dr. Amar J. Raval and the Decision-Making Process for Prostate Cancer Treatment

Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. With a range of treatment options available, deciding between surgery and radiation can be a challenging process for patients. In this article, we explore Dr. Raval’s insights and recommendations for making this important decision.

Surgery vs. Radiation: Weighing the Options

When it comes to treating prostate cancer, surgery and radiation are two of the most common treatment options. Each method has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, making it crucial for patients to carefully consider their individual needs and circumstances before making a decision.

Surgery: The Benefits and Drawbacks

Surgery, specifically radical prostatectomy, involves the complete removal of the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. While surgery can be an effective option for treating prostate cancer, it is an invasive procedure that carries its own set of potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, and urinary incontinence, among others.

Dr. Raval emphasizes that surgery is not without risks, and patients should be aware of these when weighing their options. However, for some patients, surgery can offer the best chance for long-term cancer control.

Radiation: A Suitable Option for Older Patients or Those with Medical Comorbidities

Radiation therapy, on the other hand, involves the use of high-energy X-rays or particles to kill cancer cells within the prostate. Dr. Raval often recommends radiation therapy for older patients or those with other medical conditions that may limit their ability to undergo surgery successfully.

Although radiation therapy can be a less invasive alternative to surgery, it is not without potential side effects, such as urinary and bowel issues or erectile dysfunction. However, for some patients, radiation therapy may provide a more suitable option given their overall health and age.

The Importance of Patient Autonomy in Treatment Decisions

While Dr. Raval provides his expert opinion and guidance during the decision-making process, he ultimately leaves the choice of treatment up to the patient. Each individual’s unique circumstances, preferences, and values must be taken into account when determining the best course of action for treating prostate cancer.

Dr. Amar Raval at Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Amar J. Raval is a skilled urologist in Tampa, FL, who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for his patients. As a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Raval works alongside a team of experienced urologists who share his commitment to excellence in patient care.

By offering comprehensive treatment options and personalized guidance for patients with prostate cancer, the Advanced Urology Institute ensures that their patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available in the field of urology.


My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute. You know surgery is surgery at the end of the day and it does have its own complications and you’re you know making incisions. With radiation I like to give it to patients who are older who want treatment and also have medical comorbidities or different things that may limit them from being successful from a surgical outcome. But I think it’s again it’s a big conversation to have and ultimately I you know give my thoughts but I leave it up to patients to decide what they want to do.


What are the Symptoms & Treatment Options for Low Testosterone, According to Dr. Amar Raval?


  • Low testosterone can cause symptoms such as fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and lack of energy, negatively impacting a person’s daily life and self-esteem.
  • Diagnosing low testosterone involves checking laboratory tests and assessing other hormones that may affect testosterone levels.
  • Treatment options for low testosterone include gels and injectable testosterone, which can have a significant positive impact on patients’ lives.

Dr. Amar J. Raval on Low Testosterone

Amar J. Raval, MD, is a urologist in Tampa, FL, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of urological conditions, including low testosterone. Low testosterone can have a significant impact on an individual’s daily life and overall well-being. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms and treatment options for low testosterone, as advised by Dr. Raval.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, can present with a variety of symptoms that may negatively impact an individual’s quality of life. According to Dr. Raval, some of the common symptoms associated with low testosterone include:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. Lack of energy

These symptoms can interfere with a person’s daily activities, relationships, and self-esteem, making it crucial to seek appropriate treatment.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone

Dr. Raval explains that diagnosing low testosterone involves checking certain laboratory tests, including subsequent tests to confirm the low testosterone levels. In addition, other hormones that may affect testosterone levels are also assessed.

Treatment Options for Low Testosterone

Once low testosterone has been confirmed, Dr. Raval discusses various treatment options with patients. These options include:

  1. Gels: Topical testosterone gels are applied directly to the skin and absorbed through the skin’s surface. This method is convenient and relatively easy to administer, although it may cause skin irritation in some cases.
  2. Injectable testosterone: Testosterone injections are another treatment option for individuals with low testosterone. Injections provide a more direct route of administration, and dosing can be more easily controlled compared to gels.

The Impact of Testosterone Treatment on Daily Life

Dr. Raval emphasizes that testosterone treatment can have a dramatic effect on patients’ lives, including their sexual function, energy levels, productivity, and self-esteem. By addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance, patients can experience significant improvements in their overall well-being and quality of life.

Dr. Amar Raval and Advanced Urology Institute

Dr. Amar J. Raval is a urologist in Tampa, FL, who is dedicated to providing the best possible care for his patients. As a member of the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Raval works alongside a team of experienced urologists who share his commitment to excellence in patient care.

By offering comprehensive treatment options and personalized guidance for patients with low testosterone, the Advanced Urology Institute ensures that their patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments available in the field of urology.


My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute. There’s plenty of patients who have low testosterone and want to know treatment options for that. They have fatigue, erectile dysfunction, lack of energy, and those can plague them in their daily lives. So generally now with the new screening guidelines with the AUA, we check certain labs. We need to show that they have low T on subsequent labs and we also check other hormones that may affect that. And those that are in need or can benefit from therapy, there’s gels as well as injectable testosterone that can be given to help them in that setting. I think it dramatically affects their lives. Their sexual lives, their energy, their being more productive throughout the day can affect relationships and even their self-esteem. So all of these are huge factors for them.


How Does Dr. Amar Raval Diagnose & Treat Kidney Stones?


  • Kidney stones are prevalent in Florida, with dehydration and heat as contributing factors.
  • Dr. Amar Raval, a urologist in Tampa, FL, employs imaging tests to diagnose kidney stones and determine the most appropriate treatment.
  • Treatment options for kidney stones include stent placement, ESWL, and laser lithotripsy, all of which are minimally invasive and leverage advanced technology.


Kidney stones are a common issue faced by many, especially in Florida, where heat and dehydration contribute to their development. Dr. Amar J. Raval, a reputable urologist in Tampa, FL, at the Advanced Urology Institute, shares his approach to diagnosing and treating kidney stones, leveraging the latest technology and minimally invasive techniques.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Patients with kidney stones usually experience a sudden onset of flank pain that doesn’t subside with oral medication, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and blood in their urine. These symptoms often prompt them to seek medical attention and undergo imaging tests to identify the presence of kidney stones.

Diagnosis of Kidney Stones

When a patient presents with symptoms indicative of kidney stones, Dr. Raval employs imaging tests, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans, to visualize the stones and assess their size, location, and possible obstruction. This information is crucial in determining the best course of treatment for the patient.

Treatment Options for Kidney Stones

Dr. Raval emphasizes that modern technology has significantly advanced kidney stone treatment, offering several minimally invasive approaches:

  • Stent Placement:temporary stent may be inserted into the ureter to bypass the stone and alleviate pain. This procedure is often performed when the stone is too large to pass naturally or is causing severe symptoms.
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): This non-invasive technique uses shock waves to break the kidney stone into smaller pieces, enabling the patient to pass them more easily through the urinary tract.
  • Laser Lithotripsy: In this minimally invasive procedure, a ureteroscope is inserted through the urethra and bladder to reach the stone. A laser is then used to break the stone into tiny fragments, which can be passed naturally or removed using a small basket-like device. A sample of the stone may also be sent for analysis to determine its composition and help prevent future stone formation.

Advanced Urology Institute: Your Partner in Kidney Stone Treatment

At the Advanced Urology Institute, the largest urology practice in Florida, Dr. Amar Raval and his team of skilled professionals are committed to providing the highest quality care for patients with kidney stones. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative treatment options, they ensure that patients can overcome this painful condition with minimal discomfort and a swift recovery.


My name is Amar J. Raval and I’m with Advanced Urology Institute. So kidney disease is very prevalent in Florida because of the heat, lack of hydration being a huge factor. You know, patients generally present with acute onset flank pain that’s, you know, doesn’t resolve with oral medication, nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, even blood in their urine. Then they ultimately get some sort of imaging that shows that they have a stone that may be obstructing and causing them this discomfort. Approaches are very simple and they’re very endoscopic, don’t require any incisions whether it’s leaving a stent to bypass the stone or if you’re going to treat the stone you can use shock waves from the outside to blast it or a laser to finely fine tune the stone and take a piece of it and send it as a specimen to know what kind of stone it is. So technology is certainly advanced in the realm of kidney stone disease and there’s a lot of minimally invasive approaches to be able to treat that.


Urinary Incontinence in Women

The loss of bladder control known as Urinary Incontinence is a normal problem that is more common in women than men. The effects of urinary incontinence range from barely noticeable to severe. As Dr. Amar Raval from the Advance Urology Institute says, “It is a big issue for women out in public.” Incontinence can cause difficult and embarrassing situations.

There are many causes of urinary incontinence. To understand these causes, it is important to remember that urinary incontinence is a symptom, not a disease. Lifestyle choices that can exacerbate the problem include consuming alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and certain medications. For women, life events that affect women’s bodies in a way that can cause incontinence include pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and aging. Other causes can be found in weight, family history and health.

Dr. Amar Raval of Palm Harbor, FLThe different types of urinary incontinence can exhibit a variety of symptoms. Stress incontinence is characterized by small leaks of urine due to pressure on the bladder while laughing, coughing, sneezing or exerting oneself. The small leaks of overflow incontinence happen when the bladder has not fully emptied during urination. Urge incontinence is the sudden and intense urge to urinate, sometimes resulting in an involuntary loss of urine. Having to urinate frequently through the night is another symptom experienced by women with urge incontinence. It is also common for women to be affected by more than one of these types of incontinence.

Fortunately, a wide range of treatment options is available. Women can work with their urologist to find the best treatment option for their individual situation. In some cases, treatment can be as easy as making slight lifestyle changes or taking an oral medication. Botox and acupuncture can help relieve stress incontinence. For more advanced cases, urethral slings can ease symptoms by lifting the urethra into a normal position, and robotic surgeries can lift the bladder in cases of incontinence caused by a prolapse.

The loss of bladder control can be a lifestyle limiting problem for women when it affects their ability to leave the house and maintain normal activities. The urologists at the Advance Urology Institute work closely with each patient to ensure they can live with freedom and confidence, and without the worries of incontinence. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Immunotherapy for Cancer


Cancer comes in many forms and choosing the right treatment options depends heavily on the patient, their health, and the type of cancer present. For patients with metastatic cancer (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body from where it started), chemotherapy has been a long-standing choice. However, for some patients, immunotherapy is the more effective treatment with fewer side effects.

Immunotherapy works by working with the patient’s body. The human body is designed to fight against infections and diseases, including cancer cells that grow and spread unchecked as they avoid the body’s natural defenses. Immunotherapy boosts the natural immune system, making it more effective in fighting cancer cells. It helps the body identify which cells should be left alone and which cells are cancerous and need to be attacked and eradicated. Immunotherapy utilizes the immune system to better recognize and target cancer cells, even after treatment has ended.

Dr. Amar Rava of Palm Harbor, FL l discusses ImmunotherapyOne of the biggest benefits of immunotherapy is its less severe side effects. Chemotherapy is known for its harsh side effects that can be devastating to patients. Side effects such as severe fatigue, hair loss, nausea and vomiting diminish quality of life for cancer patients. While immunotherapy is not without its side effects, most patients find that muscle aches, shortness of breath and headaches are easier to endure.

Immunotherapy can be used to treat many types of cancers. Urologists have been using it to treat bladder and prostate cancers, and typically for patients who have asymptomatic, castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Having more treatment options for prostate cancer—the most common form of cancer found in men—means a successful outcome is more likely.

Immunotherapy is less toxic than chemotherapy and its less intense side effects allow for a better quality of life for patients with prostate and bladder cancer. According to Dr. Amar J. Patel, Board Certified Urologist, immunotherapy is also shown to increase life expectancy for cancer patients by up to three months. Advance Urology Institute achieves better outcomes for patients by utilizing all of the tools available in the fight against cancer, including the patient’s very own immune systems. For more information about immunotherapy, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Should You Be Screened for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a common cancer that affects the walnut-shaped male prostate gland. As with most cancers, early detection is an important part of any successful treatment. The most common way prostate cancer is detected is through prostate cancer screenings during a patient’s appointment with a urologist. According to Dr. Amar Raval, “Screenings are important, along with a digital rectal exam, because prostate cancer continues to be the number one cancer found in men.”

Should you be screened for prostate cancer? If you can answer yes to one or more of the following conditions, then you may need to be screened:

• If you are between the ages of 55 and 69.
• If there is a history of prostate cancer in your family.
• If you are African-American.
• If you have a pre-existing medical condition that makes treatment difficult.

Dr. Amar Raval of Palm Harbor, FLThese factors are known to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, and it is recommended that someone who has one or more of these conditions is screened at least once a year.

There are two main types of prostate cancer screening tests that a patient may receive. The most common is a digital rectal examination (DRE). For this exam, the health care provider puts on a glove and inserts a finger into the patient’s rectum to feel for any abnormalities on the prostate that can be attributed to cancer. The other screening is a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test. This blood test checks the PSA level in the blood, as someone with prostate cancer will have an elevated PSA level.

If one of these tests leads to a prostate cancer diagnosis, the urologist will want to identify what kind of prostate cancer it is in order to develop the best treatment plan. Non-aggressive cancers may not necessarily need treatment and can be monitored with active surveillance, which means watching the cancer to make sure it doesn’t turn aggressive and spread. In cases where the cancer is of intermediate or high risk, early identification from a screening test can help make sure that the treatment used on the cancer has the best chance for success.

If you believe it is time for you to start being screened for prostate cancer, then you should have a conversation with your urologist. Early detection can be a life saver. For men who are concerned about prostate cancer, the Advance Urology Institute is an excellent place to begin screening.

Symptoms and Treatment of Low Testosterone

The level of testosterone hormone in the body naturally declines as a man grows older. In fact, up to 40% of all men aged 45 years and older experience the effects of low testosterone. The symptoms of low testosterone may appear even earlier in some men.

Also called hypogonadism or low-T, low testosterone is characterized by a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Low libido (decreased sex drive)
  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
  • Reduced testicle size
  • Breast growth in men (gynecomastia)
  • Loss of body and facial hair
  • Muscle weakness
  • Thinning of bones (osteoporosis)
  • Moodiness, irritability and depression
  • Decreased sense of well-being
  • Increased body fat or reduced muscle mass
  • Difficulties in concentration
  • Memory loss and sleep disturbances
  • Decreased hemoglobin level and mild anemia
  • Skin changes such as fine wrinkles
  • Diagnosis of low testosterone

Dr. Amar Raval of Palm Harbor, FLLow-T is diagnosed by measuring the quantity of testosterone in the blood. To clearly assess the level of testosterone, a urologist will request blood tests for both total testosterone and free testosterone. Often, it takes several measurements to confirm that a man has low-T because the levels tend to change throughout the day, with the highest levels occurring in the morning. Testosterone levels are also affected by body mass index (BMI), alcohol consumption, nutrition, age, illness and certain medications. Additional tests for sex hormones such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) may also be requested by the urologist for a better picture.

Treatment of Low Testosterone

If low-T is diagnosed, the missing hormones may be replaced through hormone replacement therapy, restoring the body’s testosterone levels to normal. In some cases, however, particularly when low-T is diagnosed but no troublesome symptoms are noted, the urologist may not administer any treatment.

For men with bothersome symptoms, the therapy is administered to remove the symptoms and associated sexual problems. Testosterone replacement therapy can be given in different forms and the urologist will discuss options with the patient before deciding on the most appropriate method. After the treatment begins, testosterone levels are monitored to ensure the most effective dose is given.

The different ways of administering testosterone include:

  1. Injections – The urologist gives regular injections deep into a muscle (intramuscular injection) every 2-3 weeks to 3 months depending on the type of injection chosen. When appropriate, the urologist may delegate the task of injecting testosterone to a nurse or teach the patient how to self-inject. When done correctly, the injections are not painful.
  2. Testosterone Implants – Cylindrical pellets are inserted into the abdomen, thigh or buttock by the urologist under local anesthetic, once every 3-6 months.
  3. Testosterone Patches – Used every day and applied on different areas of the body, including arms, back, buttocks and abdomen, the patches work similarly to nicotine patches used by people trying to quit smoking. They deliver testosterone hormone gradually through the skin.
  4. Testosterone Gel – These gels are applied to clean dry skin, usually on the arm, shoulder, back or abdomen. They should be applied after showering to prevent the gel from washing off too quickly.

There are several benefits that can be derived from testosterone replacement therapy. They include:

  • Improved sexual function
  • Enhanced mental sharpness
  • Increased bone density and protection against osteoporosis
  • Increased muscle mass and loss of body fat
  • Greater strength and improved physical performance
  • Enhanced mood and better sense of well-being

Are you experiencing any bothersome symptoms and suspect you could be having low testosterone? Speak with your doctor as soon as possible about the problem. You do not have to live with these symptoms when effective treatment is available. For more information about testosterone replacement therapy, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.

Kidney Stones Pain, Symptoms and Treatment

Kidney stone disease is a common issue that affects men and women alike. There are many factors that can be attributed to developing kidney stones. According to Dr. Amar J. Raval, “Kidney stone disease is very prevalent in Florida because of heat and lack of hydration.” The state’s warm climate helps induce sweating and makes it easier to dehydrate, putting people who live there at a higher risk of developing stones.

In addition to climate, there are several other factors that can increase kidney stone likelihood. Family history is one factor. If someone in your family has a history of developing stones, you are at greater risk of developing them as well. Diets high in protein, salt and sugar also increase the risk. Salt especially is known to increase the amount of calcium your kidneys must filter, raising the chances of stone development. Certain conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and urinary tract infections are also known to increase kidney stone risk.

Urologist Dr. Amar Raval of Palm Harbor, FLThere are numerous symptoms associated with kidney stones and they can vary in seriousness and pain level. Doctors often see patients with acute onset pain in the upper abdomen that does not resolve with medication, nausea, fever, chills, difficulty urinating and even blood in the urine. The symptoms of kidney stones may present themselves differently depending on many different factors. It is important to know when something is not right and when it may be best to see a urologist for help.

Luckily for people suffering from kidney stones, there are many treatments doctors can use to help them. Many of the treatments are endoscopic, not requiring incisions and are minimally invasive. For instance, doctors may insert a stint into the urinary tract to allow the patient to pass the stone. Shock waves also can be used to break large stones into smaller more easily passable pieces. The shock wave treatment also is not invasive. Doctors can use lasers to break off a piece of the stone for a biopsy to determine exactly what kind of stone it is and what the best treatment may be.

Consulting a trusted urologist for diagnosis and treatment options for kidney stones is very important. Like many conditions, kidney stone treatment is easiest when caught early. Urologists like Dr. Amar J. Raval at the Advanced Urology Institute help many patients with kidney stones. They are familiar with kidney stone disease as well as the latest medical technology, and can provide the most advanced treatment options for their patients. For more information, visit the Advanced Urology Institute website.